News & Blog

Our Latest newsletter

Welcome to another edition of our newsletter. We hope you’re having a good day despite the cold weather. In two days, it will be the shortest day of the year – then we’ll be heading towards longer days and Spring won’t be far away.   This newsletter is full of news, events, and useful information. Thanks

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Renewing your driver licence after 75

Just like a driving test, having a medical  examination to ensure you are still fit to drive can  be daunting – but it is important, both for your  own safety and the safety of other road users. You must renew your driver licence on or before its expiry date if you wish to continue driving

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Our Latest Newsletter

Welcome to another edition of our newsletter. We hope you’re having a good day despite some of the rather rough weather we’ve been having. Stay warm!   This newsletter is full of lots of little bits and pieces of valuable information and a number of upcoming Age Concern events for you to join – including

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Meeting Mama Rose at Tea and Tech

“Now that I’m retired, people call me Mama Rose,” Rosettastone tells me as we work on her laptop together at our recent Tea and Tech event in Tawa. “I always keep an eye on anything to do with Age Concern. And I saw this advertised and thought I must come!” Mama Rose proudly explains that

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Phone Calls From Around the World

“I never know when he’s going to ring,” says Arnold, “but I always look forward to his calls.” Sometimes life brings surprising friendships into our path. Alan has been calling Arnold for the past two years. Unlike most of Age Concern’s Phone Friend volunteers, Alan calls from all over the world. “He called from Malaysia

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Residential Care Facilities and Charges

Recently we had enquiries regarding the premium charged by rest homes for bathrooms for those residents who rely on the Residential Care Subsidy. Delving into the conditions charges made by rest homes alongside the conditions relating to the Residential Care Subsidy can get quite complex. Rest homes are mandated to provide rooms for subsidised residents

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Wills for Blended Families

The aim in writing a will is to ensure that everyone you care for gets a fair and reasonable share of your assets when you die. The usual way is a simple mirror will in which you leave everything to your spouse or partner, with the provision that on the death of the spouse/partner those

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The Latest eNews

Welcome to another edition of our newsletter. We hope you’re having a good day and enjoying some of Wellington’s recent lovely autumn sunshine. Be sure to grab a cuppa before you sit down to read this newsletter. It is full of valuable information and a large number of upcoming Age Concern events for you to

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What Really Makes Us Happy?

Asking yourself what really makes you happy can cause some brain-strain; thinking about your life and the times when you’ve been most happy. But getting people to respond to this question is not the best way to measure what really makes us happy. Our memories are often flawed and bitsy and can be very creative

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Age Concern goes to the Zoo!

At our first Curious Conversations event for 2024, we had the privilege of talking with Wellington Zoo Animal Care Manager Nic Dunn. Nic has had an amazing journey with animals, working in a zoo since the age of nine. Join the conversation with Nic and come on a mini virtual tour of some of his

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Older renters – an option from the UK

I* frequently hear on the radio or read in newsletters that the proportion of older people who will be renting in the future is growing and there are questions about how and where they will live. This reminded me of an advert I saw in the free daily paper – Metro – while I was

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