The Age Concern family across New Zealand launched a new logo. The fresh new look was unveiled at Parliament on the 1st of July 2022, at an event hosted by the Hon. Dr Ayesha Verrall, Minister for Seniors.
The bold contemporary design uses individual Huia feathers to suggest the mana of older adults and the leadership role Age Concern takes. The circle of three feathers portrays the concept of community, friendship, and respect – all things Age Concern values and upholds.
Age Concern strives to be the leading organisation trusted to support kaumatua and make life-changing differences for them. Leadership, mana and community, the qualities the new logo represents, are the themes that inspired the new logo and visual identity. The Huia feather is a sacred treasure for Māori, symbolising leadership and mana. Huia feathers were traditionally given as tokens of friendship.
Age Concern has grown and adapted to shifting needs since it launched over 70 years ago, and the Age Concern Wellington Region team feels this new look reflects this nicely.
You’ll notice the new logo on Age Concern materials, including Seniority magazine in the coming months (give Age Concern a call on 04 499 6648 and they’ll send you a magazine).
Through the rebrand, Age Concern acknowledges the exciting diversity of the New Zealand population and aspires to be there for all older New Zealanders.
More about Age Concern:
Age Concern Wellington Region is committed to promoting the rights, wellbeing and quality of life for older people in the Wellington Region. Their vision is for older people to be a thriving, respected and engaged part of the community. They do this through providing high quality services like the Companion Walking Service, the Visitor Service and Steady As You Go falls prevention classes. Please visit or call 04 499 6646 for more information.