Accredited Visitor Service Referral Form Use this form to make a referral for the Accredited Visitor Service. AVS Referral Form Before filling in this form, please check and mark the following: Declaration: YES the person in question over or close to 65 YES the person is at risk of social isolation due to having no or very few visitors YES the person is able to contribute to a mutually beneficial friendship relationship YES the service has been explained to the person, and they have given their permission to be referred to Age Concern and for their details to be given to, and stored by, Age Concern CLIENT DETAILS First Name: * Middle Name: Last Name: * Address * Suburb: * City: * WellingtonPoriruaLower HuttUpper Hutt Post Code: Email: Home Phone: * Mobile Phone: Date of Birth: * Gender: * MaleFemaleGender Diverse Living Alone: * YesNo Living in a Resthome: * YesNo Ethnicity: Pakeha (NZ European)MaoriPasifikaEuropean (incl. British)ChineseIndianOther AsianAustralianNorth AmericanAfricanMiddle EasternLatin AmericanOtherUnknown NHI Number (optional): Next of Kin / Emergency Contact - Name: * Phone: * Relationship: CLIENT SITUATION Describe the client's situation: * Other services the client receives: Health / Mobility issues: Hazards in the home (please select any home hazards for AVS workers): * None Animals Client behaviour Family of client Hygiene Maintenance Neighbourhood Smoking Other Describe any hazards: REFERRER'S DETAILS Referrer Name: * Position: Organisation: * Team: Phone: * Email: * If you are human, leave this field blank. Submit